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Anyone who has over eaten will recognise the symptoms of a fermenting gut which includes  - fatigue, bloating, discomfort and, later, foul smelling wind bad enough to clear a room?


It can be triggered by eating the wrong foods which in turn affect the gut micro biome.  The gut microbiome is very important and when it is out of balance it can lead to a host of imbalances and health issues, and even result in kidney failure !


The human gastrointestinal (GI) tract contains over 100 trillion bacteria. Each section of the GI tract contains a characteristic microbial population.  Changes in diet can quickly alter the composition of the gut microbiome and create imbalances.  


The gut microbiome plays a key role in a variety of activities in  the human body.  Synthesis of vitamins and degradation of indigestible plant polysaccharides and oxalates are functions of the gut microbiome.   Normal gut flora helps restore tight junctions in the intestinal epithelium. When these are not maintained leaky gut may occur.


When the  gut microbiome changes, it can can impact and cause renal (kidney)  tubular damage and progression of renal failure, and  result in further gut microbiome imbalance/dysbiosis.


Symptoms of  dysbiosis include:

·        Chronic fatigue.

·        Digestive problems.

·        Trouble urinating.

·        Acid reflux or heartburn.

·        Vaginal or rectal infections or itching.

·        Food intolerance and excess gas.

·        An uncomfortable feeling of fullness after eating.

·        Inflammation and aching joints.

·        Acne, skin rashes, and psoriasis.

·        Loss of appetite.

·        Abdominal pain.

·        Nausea.

·        Bloating.

·        Diarrhea.

·        Unintentional weight loss.

·        Malnutrition.


At Essential Health, through our progressive scanning systems we are able to detect any imbalances in the body and work with you to correct these.  Book an appointment today to see how your gut health is doing.



So how do the kidneys tie in to all of this



The kidneys are not part of the digestive system, however, the two systems do interact. The digestive system brings energy into the body which feeds, in part, the kidneys.



Often there are subtle symptoms of imbalances which are ignored.  Progressive renal failure results in higher concentrations of urea in the blood. Exposure of intestinal bacteria to urea through GI secretions results in the conversion of urea to ammonia via bacterial urease. This high concentration of urea causes an overgrowth of bacterial families containing urease. Research has shown the expansion of bacterial families producing uricase and indole- and p-cresyl-forming enzymes occurs in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) compared with healthy controls.


As patients experience renal failure, it may affect their intake of foods that then alter the gut microbiome.  As the kidneys weaken, the colon becomes the main route of uric acid as well as oxalate secretion.  This can account for the expansion of bacterial species that produce uricase.


At Essential Health, our machines are able to detect various chemicals in the blood, including urea, urine uric acid, creatinine, ammonia, and many more.  And if we find issues showing up we will refer you for bloods to confirm these imbalances.


Did you know that digestive problems can be linked to poor methylation ?  If you’re thinking what is methylation - Click on the link to our previous blog on methylation


Poor bile production can result in digestive problems as bile has antimicrobial properties and prevents the overgrowth of bacteria. It also helps in increased absorption of fat and other nutrients.  Correcting your bile production and supporting your organs is critical in correcting this.

Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) frequently experience upper gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms including anorexia, hiccups, inflammation of the stomach, nausea, vomiting, and gastroenteritis. Constipation and diarrhea represent the main lower GI tract symptoms associated with CKD.


It is also recognized that dysbiosis is associated with increased intestinal permeability (or “leaky gut”), which amplifies the absorption of harmful toxins and further contributes to CKD.


If there is a disturbance in the gut, this causes the increased growth of more pathogenic (i.e., “bad”) bacteria over “good” bacteria, which results in generation of abnormally high levels of waste products in the blood which create toxins. Using probiotics (“good bacteria”) for removal of these toxins from the colon could help to maintain healthy kidney function.


Essential Health stocks excellent pre and pro biotics - helping to ensure the good bacteria are fed and evenly distributed and you have the right balance of bacteria in the gut. We also have amazing gut lining healers which will help in the repair of the very sensitive lining of the gut. Click here to view some of our helpful products.



Diet and lifestyle factors, including poor sleep quality, alcohol consumption and inactivity, can harm your gut bacteria. Living a healthy lifestyle characterized by regular physical activity, low stress and a variety of whole foods is the best way to ensure a healthy gut flora.


Are you going regularly ? Previous studies have shown that Inflammatory Bowel Disease is associated with a range of renal issues, including nephrolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, tubulointerstitial nephritis, and secondary amyloidosis, which can lead to acute or chronic renal insufficiency.

The good news is there are things you can do to improve your gut health as it all starts in the gut.  Here are some simple strategies for promoting better gut health :

  • Eat many more whole foods than processed foods.

  • Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.

  • Drink sufficient water and avoid sugary and fizzy beverages. Add fresh lemon to help alkaline the body.

  • Buy more organic produce.

  • Choose foods that are high in fiber.

  • Consume natural probiotics.

  • Exercise regularly.

  • Quit smoking.

  • Avoid alcohol.


In Conclusion


Gut health and maintenance a healthy gut biome are critical as this is the foundation to good health.  At Essential Health our scanning systems can detect imbalances in the body from a chemistry, pathology, allergy and more perspective.


Book an appointment today to ensure good health or to achieve better health and correct any imbalances -



Look at our amazing products that will help you restore a health gut biome.





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