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Coffee and tea, both of which are widely consumed around meals, have a high content of polyphenols. Research shows polyphenols can help manage blood pressure levels and keep your blood vessels healthy and flexible, promoting good circulation. They also help reduce chronic inflammation, another risk factor for heart disease. Polyphenols can reduce and help control your blood sugar levels.

However, several studies have found that coffee and other caffeinated drinks can reduce iron absorption. One study found that drinking a cup of coffee with a hamburger meal reduced iron absorption by 39%. Drinking tea, a known inhibitor of iron absorption, with the same meal reduced iron absorption by a whopping 64%. Another study found that drinking a cup of instant coffee with a bread meal reduced iron absorption by 60–90%. What’s more, the stronger the coffee or tea, the less iron absorbed. However, caffeine alone does not seem to be the main substance interfering with iron absorption. In fact, one study found that caffeine itself only binds to about 6% of the iron from a meal. Given that this is a relatively small amount, other factors must affect iron absorption. Furthermore, regular coffee consumption may also have an effect on iron storage levels. A large study found that among elderly people, each weekly cup of coffee was associated with a 1% lower level of ferritin, a protein that indicates iron storage levels. However, it’s important to remember that the effects of coffee and caffeine on iron absorption seem to depend on when you drink your coffee. For example, drinking coffee one hour before a meal had no effect on iron absorption but drinking it during a meal or just after a meal made a major impact.


Although there are different types of anemia, iron deficiency anemia is the most common type worldwide. Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency vary depending on: the severity of the anemia

how quickly it develops

your age

your current state of health In some cases, people experience no symptoms.

Here are a few signs and symptoms of iron deficiency, starting with the most common. Unusual tiredness This fatigue happens because your body lacks the iron it needs to make a protein called hemoglobin, which helps carry oxygen around your body. Without enough hemoglobin, less oxygen reaches your tissues and muscles, depriving them of energy. Your heart also has to work harder to move more oxygen-rich blood around your body, which can make you tired Since tiredness is often considered a normal part of a busy, modern life, it can be difficult to diagnose iron deficiency with this symptom alone. However, it is possible for some people with iron deficiency to experience low energy alongside weakness, irritability, or difficulty concentrating Skin that is paler than usual Skin that is paler than usual and pale coloring of the inside of the lower eyelids are other common symptoms of iron deficiency

The hemoglobin in red blood cells gives blood its red color, so low levels during iron deficiency make the blood less red. That’s why skin can lose some of its color or warmth in people with iron deficiency. A study in children ages 6 to 11 found that paleness associated with iron deficiency may appear all over the body or be limited to one area, such as the face


insides of lips or lower eyelids


Iron deficiency may cause headaches, particularly in women. While the link between iron deficiency and headaches is still unclear, researchers theorize there are several factors at play, including the relationship between altered dopamine function and estrogen levels. However, more research needs to be done before a conclusion can be made. Although there are many causes of headaches, frequent, recurrent headaches could be a symptom of iron deficiency. Heart palpitations

Noticeable heartbeats, also known as heart palpitations, can be another symptom of iron deficiency anemia.

The association between iron deficiency, anemia, and heart problems is still being studied, but it may be related to oxygen supply.

Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that helps transport oxygen around the body. In iron deficiency, low levels of hemoglobin mean the hear has to work extra hard to carry oxygen.

This may lead to irregular heartbeats or the feeling that your heart is beating abnormally fast.

In extreme cases, it can lead to an enlarged heart, a heart murmur, or heart failure.

Dry and Damaged Skin and Hair loss

Dry and damaged skin and hair can be signs of iron deficiency. Iron deficiency lowers the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which may reduce the amount of oxygen available to cells that cause hair growth. When skin and hair are deprived of oxygen, they can become dry and weak. Iron deficiency is also associated with hair loss, and some research suggests it could be a cause. It’s completely normal for some hair to fall out during everyday washing and brushing. If you’re losing clumps or much more than normal, though, it may be related to iron deficiency. Swelling and soreness of the tongue and mouth

Sometimes just looking inside or around your mouth can indicate whether you have iron deficiency anemia. Signs include a swollen, inflamed, pale, or strangely smooth tongue. Iron deficiency may also cause other symptoms around your mouth, such as: dry mouth

a burning feeling in your mouth

sore red cracks at the corners of your mouth

mouth ulcers Restless legs Do you get a constant feeling of bringing your legs up to your chest when you are sitting? Well this could be a sign of Iron deficiency. Iron deficiency has been linked to restless legs syndrome. Restless legs syndrome is a strong urge to move your legs while they’re at rest. It can also cause unpleasant and strange crawling or itchy sensations in your feet and legs. It’s usually worse at night, meaning that you may find it difficult to sleep. The causes of restless legs syndrome are not fully understood. However, around 25% of people with iron deficiency anemia have restless legs syndrome. The prevalence of restless legs syndrome is nine times higher in people with iron deficiency compared to the general population. Brittle or spoon-shaped fingernails

A much less common symptom of iron deficiency is brittle or spoon-shaped fingernails. This condition is called koilonychia. Usually, the first sign is brittle nails that chip and crack easily. In later stages of iron deficiency, spoon-shaped nails can occur, meaning the middle of the nail dips and the edges are raised to give a rounded appearance like a spoon. However, this is a rare side effect that occurs in only about 5% of people with iron deficiency. It’s usually seen only in severe cases of iron deficiency anemia. However this can also link to other diseases such as Thyroid and certain cancers so should always be checked up. It can even link to an injury to the nail bed of the nail. Other potential signs There are several other signs that your iron could be low. These tend to be less common and can be linked to many conditions other than iron deficiency. Strange cravings. 

A hankering for strange foods or non-food items is called pica. It usually involves cravings to eat ice, clay, dirt, chalk, or paper and could be a sign of iron deficiency. It can also occur during pregnancy.

Feelings of depression.  Iron deficiency anemia may be associated with depression in adults. Pregnant women with iron deficiency may also have a higher chance of developing depression.

Cold hands and feet. Iron deficiency means less oxygen is being delivered to your hands and feet. Some people may feel the cold more easily in general or have cold hands and feet.

More frequent infections. Because iron is needed for a healthy immune system, lack of it may increase your risk for infections. Common causes of iron deficiency Iron deficiency can be caused by a variety of factors and can happen at almost any age. A few of the most common causes are: inadequate iron intake due to a diet that doesn’t meet the daily nutritional needs or is heavily restricted

inflammatory bowel disease

increased iron requirements during pregnancy

blood loss through heavy periods or internal bleeding Bleeding in the stomach or intestines can be a common reason for anemia in adults who are no longer menstruating. This bleeding can be caused by: taking too many nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin

a stomach ulcer


bowel or stomach cancer (although this is less common)

So if you are not sure whether you may have a problem with anemia maybe you should book in so we can test you, and if you are constantly suffering with anemia and just cannot get your bloods balanced but don't know why, then it could be something else causing the problem. The LIVER is the organ associated with Iron Storage, COPPER is the mineral associated with the absorption of IRON and CALCIUM from the gut, B12 is necessary for the absorption of IRON. Normally, vitamin B12 is readily absorbed in the last part of the small intestine (ileum), which leads to the large intestine. However, to be absorbed, the vitamin must combine with intrinsic factor, a protein produced in the stomach. So as you can see once again, there are a lot of different factors that can CREATE the iron problem in the first place. So lets look and see why this is happening to you. Remember if Anemia becomes too bad over time it can weaken the heart and muscles and create a whole cascade of other issues in the body. YOUR BLOOD IS YOUR LIFE!!! WITHOUT IT YOU CANNOT SURVIVE LET ALONE LIVE A FABULOUS LIFE!!!

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